Uncle Tom's Cabin

1. Look at how slavery is portrayed
2. Analyze the characters' reactions - personal emotions vs social reactions
(wrt racial discrimination)
3. Observe gender roles
Reflect on how author had to write a work of fiction for her voice to be heard
Mr Shelby does not consult his wife before he sold off Uncle Tom and Henry

Bloodhound Law, Fugitive Slavery Acy 1850
(became legal to hunt for escaped slaves and bring them back)

1850 - before Civil War
Uncle Tom's Cabin a major contributor
The man that was a thing- objectified, treated and considered as property and sold and bought
Written with the perspective that slavery is sin with a projection as a command from God, as a moral duty to address this

Kentucky between North and South(not fully industrialised)
You are kind to them but have not stopped enslaving them
Uncle Tom: Dignified, Pious, tamed, Christian
Ideas, mental condition, seperation anxiety about slavery
George Harris- devices a machine and plans
Language distinction

Title represents the objectification of Uncle Tom as a novelty not a social issue.

Mr. Shelby:
Differ from many wise and pious men- says 'abolitionist' like 'fool'
Bound by circumstance
Doesn't want to sell Tom because Tom is a good slave and he likes him not because he had qualms about it being wrong
Henry-Haley has taken a fancy toward him
Mr Shelby doesnt want to sell Henry so his wife doesn't feel bad

Cannot lose her son
Grateful, sweet. pious

Does not think slavery is wrong
Efficient, cunning businessman

Mrs. Shelby:
"Low-bred man" notices difference and passes judgement. Biased? Maybe
Pious but not out of fear
Kind and charitable
"a Christian and an angel"
Not a blind believer

Attachment <-> separation anxiety

The man that was a thing - objectified, treated as property to be bought, sold, exchanged etc
Life among the lowly
Written with the perspective that slavery is sin, as a command from God <moral duty to address this>

Chapter title:
Emotionless title,  living property, shows how the world sees them and criticizes the world for it
feelings of: Owner, Property

^that's what I meant in class.

Setting: North improved to industrialization (not much slavery). Ppl from south tried to escape to the North hoping they would be free. Kentucky is in between North and South.


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