
Showing posts from July 15, 2015

Navajo Creation Story - Meaning and Interpretation

1.        For as a child sleeps when being nursed, so life slept in the Darkness of the Female Being. - Black Cloud represented Female Being- Female Being was understood as darkness, slumber, dormant nutrition. 2.        Male Being was the Dawn, the Light which Awakens. He was represented by the White Cloud. 3.        The Black World was just the beginning. Life forms of Beings or Substances hadn’t expanded yet. Hence the Black World was small. Furthermore it had no established foundations- its origin itself was uncertain. The idea of the entire Earth as one World was not known to the Navajo storytellers. Hence the basis, structure, forms and source of the first world was uncertain.  It was isolated and disconnected, floating in or shrouded in mist/water. 4.        The pine tree that grew on the floating island that was the First World is suggestive of ...