
Showing posts from September 30, 2015

Supermarket in California

9-10 on Sept 28 Beat counter-culture (very male-oriented) Diogenas "wag the dog" anti-establishment sentiment Greenwich village project concept of space - Ghettoisation gray area: what is right and what is wrong? CSNY - Woodstock Jack Karouac - On the Road notion of lunacy employed by writers lunacy: drug abuse, LSD experimentation prevalent among artsy, writing, thinking types people exempt from the law: lunatics (do not comprehend the law). jesters (have diplomatic immunity), government (is the law) the body electric Lawrence Ferlinghetti Emily Dickinson-Walt Whitman-Allen Ginsberg - formed the trinity of American anti-establishment thought institution of marriage licentiousness NOT an internal monologue migraines an occupational hazard for thinkers Ginsberg not really an escapist Karmakohla - Geeta Mehta Whitman's questioning of lifestyles became an actuality, the norm, during Ginsberg's time self-consciousness - important for the Be...

Ezra Pound - An Immorality

10-11 on Sept 22 Europe was the arena of WWII "kill to get crimson" story of Lot artists considered idle art vs activism era of modernism dissonance as an art form couplet - classical writing Beauty will save the world? most of us live so that we have a story to tell "sweet" "rose-leaves" - symbolic of youth, beauty, freshness youth is a license for innocence and naivete Hahah this makes no sense ^ Bhavani Ma'am's recap though: ( <3 <3 <3 ) moral vs immoral context: Pound disliked Jews "rose-leaves," not the flower itself because the rose requires the rose plant in order to thrive holocaust pretense of great deeds, nobility - for recognition imagist believes in economy of words, brevity "Make it new" - all poetry after him was entirely dissimilar, full of vitality, new (tq Daddy) 1. Ezra Pound comparable to Lot for leaving America and going to Italy (Sodom and Gomorrah - vice and ...

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