Ezra Pound - An Immorality
10-11 on Sept 22
- Europe was the arena of WWII
- "kill to get crimson"
- story of Lot
- artists considered idle
- art vs activism
- era of modernism
- dissonance as an art form
- couplet - classical writing
- Beauty will save the world?
- most of us live so that we have a story to tell
- "sweet" "rose-leaves" - symbolic of youth, beauty, freshness
- youth is a license for innocence and naivete
Hahah this makes no sense ^
Bhavani Ma'am's recap though:
( <3 <3 <3 )
( <3 <3 <3 )
- moral vs immoral
- context: Pound disliked Jews
- "rose-leaves," not the flower itself because the rose requires the rose plant in order to thrive
- holocaust
- pretense of great deeds, nobility - for recognition
- imagist
- believes in economy of words, brevity
- "Make it new" - all poetry after him was entirely dissimilar, full of vitality, new
(tq Daddy)
1. Ezra Pound comparable to Lot for leaving America and going to Italy (Sodom and Gomorrah - vice and sin - refused to support Jews)
2. Idleness among artists and as seen by contemporary society
3. Modernism:
Art vs activism
Dissonance as an art form
4. Post war (disillusioned, bitter, selfish)
5. Europe the arena for WWII (Pound went to Italy)
6. Hungary war
7. Imagist
+pretense (his disapproval of it)
Using Art as an Agency of Life Expression
Glorification of art and artists in general
As opposed to deeds done merely to appease the world and social construction
Innate purity or impurity
Or idiosyncrasies
As opposed to the world's twisted interpretation of social work
And the expression of ones true feelings
But if we need extra interpretation, then we'll have to elaborate upon dissonance as an art form, etc
2. Idleness among artists and as seen by contemporary society
3. Modernism:
Art vs activism
Dissonance as an art form
4. Post war (disillusioned, bitter, selfish)
5. Europe the arena for WWII (Pound went to Italy)
6. Hungary war
7. Imagist
+pretense (his disapproval of it)
Using Art as an Agency of Life Expression
Glorification of art and artists in general
As opposed to deeds done merely to appease the world and social construction
Innate purity or impurity
Or idiosyncrasies
As opposed to the world's twisted interpretation of social work
And the expression of ones true feelings
But if we need extra interpretation, then we'll have to elaborate upon dissonance as an art form, etc
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