
Showing posts from March 2, 2015

A Corpse in the Well by Shankarrao Kharat

http://www.arvindguptatoys. com/arvindgupta/well-english. pdf content/uploads/2012/04/April- Issue-IJELLS.pdf 2013/11/dalit-literature.html htm These links should help if you want to read up on A Corpse in the Well by yourself; I will post notes soon. And here they are: Page 136: About the Author and the Extract: "The above extract serves to emphasize the difference in power that exists in villages, and how the Mahars , or Dalits, who loyally served their village, were not respected and treated the way they deserved. The unfair manner in which they are bossed around, and the bravery and sense of duty exhibited by Anna , serve to highlight a broken system and ideology." Possible question: Describe the theme of injustice that runs through the story. Answer: dangerous duty, "father was crushed flat by (it)" near-fatal experience in this situation, duty was to guard ...