Chapter 8: Marxist criticism
desire to emphasize difference between art and propaganda a writer's social class and its prevailing ideology (outlook, values, tacit assumptions, half-realized allegiances etc) have a major bearing on what is written by him as a member of that class w.r.t. content, obviously, but also form deals with history in a generalized way - speaks of conflict within classes and clashes of large historical forces, but rarely discusses the detail of a specific historical situation or relates it closely to the interpretation of a particular historical text Leninist Marxist criticism: 1930s - reaction throughout Soviet society; State began to exert direct control over literature and he arts as well as everything else influenced by Lenin's argument that "Literature must become Party literature ... Literature must become part of the organized, methodical, and unified labors of the social democratic party> Soviet Writers' Congress (1934) outlawed liberal views; new Len...