
Showing posts from August 17, 2015

Packrat by Naomi Long Madgett

My trouble is I always try to save ("save" is usually used in the context of preservation for future use) everything old clocks and calendars ("calendars" - serve no purpose except as souvenirs) expired words buried in open graves (like how conversations are recollected and analyzed in the night; gade murde ukhadna ) But hoarded grains of sand (juxtaposition - hoarding something transient) keep shifting as rivers redefine boundaries and seasons (how memories change with time; you tweak them and make them more sparkly, more magical or more rotten; timelines also morph in the land of memories) Lengths of old string (string a metaphor for stories, tales woven, the tapestry of life) rolled into neat balls neither measure nor bind (do not serve their original purpose (the object not the metaphor) but only serve as remnants of past times) nor do shelves laden with rancid sweets preserve (description of setting - shelves laden with boxes of spoil...

Uncertain Objects of Desire

Uncertain Objects of Desire What are the general trends observed + what has changed Why did matrimonial ads seek green card or HI Visa holders? What are the changes in the attitude toward the Indian diaspora? "Stories of entire lives" - how do matrimonial ads reflect this? How has the idea of an ideal wife changed <or not> with time?

The Boarded Window by Ambrose Bierce

This is an amazing essay on teaching The Boarded Window and how it is an example of a text that must be analyzed through close reading blood from throat wound not coagulated, also wound itself lacerated - hence alive when attacked by the animal supernatural or not - supposedly haunted but could also be ironic, hinting at stupidity of "well-informed boy" wife's death and possible resurrection:  “at the end of the third day she fell into unconsciousness and so passed away, apparently, with never a gleam of returning reason.” apparently but also incorrect preparations for the grave and some rites being done repeatedly - perhaps occult practices "he should have her again as before" - trying to reanimate her body? - or necrophilia? o.O hints at but does not involve the supernatural narrator remarkably unreliable - apparently seventy, about fifty, i suppose it was agreed, so I should remember etc - not 3rd person but actually unnamed 1st person narra...