Future of Our Past
(tq Niki) Amartya Sen: positive & important contributions of anti-globalization BUT divided lines and deprivation are failures of social, economical and political systems, not penalties of globalization disagrees that globalization is a hegemony of the west since, earlier, globalization involved sharing of information, learning and technology with the west by the East if you accept that globalization is indeed dominance by the West, you have a narrow-minded outlook on globalization and the ways of the world and are undermining your own scientific and technical prowess although globalization HAS promoted global capitalism therefore discontentment and violence: > fairer distribution of resources and promotion of global equity would fix that > open up global fronts to combat inequalities of class, race and gender, and address environmental issues SATCHIDANANDAN disagrees: says that what Amartya Sen says are the merits of globalization are nothing but the ...