Young Goodman Brown - Nathaniel Hawthorne
Fluttering ribbons - Sensual, flirtatious, Natural, Human, Earthly, material. Dream, Sleep - important in American literature, because America did not have the cultural history of other nations. In sleep, you can talk walk, kill - dreams and sleep explain all, like the concept of God explains. Why live a life without sin, for a 100 yrs, if there is no pleasure in it? Go out and experience, learn Dark Romanticism - joys of sin. Biblical, moral in tone and grandeur of language. May pray without ever doing good May also do good without praying Stock characters - those who portray only one side of the argument - timesaving device. Anointing is an act of consecration. Personification used to achieve a sense of allegory. Allegory - when the unsaid must be said, without too much consequence. (siezed agency) nuomena &pheomena Perspective, context, lack of bias, unfair to judge. I understand that it makes us unable to judge ...