Young Goodman Brown - Nathaniel Hawthorne

Fluttering ribbons - Sensual, flirtatious, Natural, Human, Earthly, material.

Dream, Sleep - important in American literature, because America did not have the cultural history of other nations. In sleep, you can talk walk, kill -  dreams and sleep explain all, like the concept of God explains.

Why live a life without sin, for a 100 yrs, if there is no pleasure in it?

Go out and experience, learn
Dark Romanticism - joys of sin.

Biblical, moral in tone and grandeur of language.

May pray without ever doing good
May also do good without praying

Stock characters - those who portray only one side of the argument - timesaving device.

Anointing is an act of consecration.

Personification used to achieve a sense of allegory.
Allegory - when the unsaid must be said, without  too much consequence. (siezed agency) 

nuomena &pheomena

Perspective, context, lack of bias, unfair to judge.
I understand that it makes us unable to judge  things as purely right or wrong, that we can no longer acknowledge that binary, but how else can we ever understand and forgive? 

NLP - Neurolinguistic Programming


Puritan values and practices

Metaphor and allegory
Faith just a symbol
Young Goodman Brown also a symbol, but of the individual
he must undertake a journey that unearths the deepest of secrets
symbols of religion are questioned
faith in people, principles
faith as in religious faith also
color scheme
dark greys, blacks, dull - sinister
Brown - neutral, in-between like YGB
pink - distraction, deviation from principles of sobriety
Goodman vs Everyman - Goodman must answer to faith
religion does not question and discuss your deviation it only forbids it
Deism - sovereignity of God but man has free will so must make his own decisions
context: Salem Witch Hunts
Symbols - ribbons, staff, woods, old man (symbolic of other self)
black magic and white magic - savage - barbaric etc



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