
Showing posts from October 9, 2015

Piaget's Sensorimotor stage

Infant gradually becomes able to organize activities in relation to the environment through sensory and motor activity (Coordinate input from senses and organize activities in relation to environment) Processes of (i) organization (ii) adaptation and (iii) equilibriation (cause and effect keep reversing) Schemes: organized patterns of behavior used in particular situations Circular reactions: an infant learns to reproduce pleasurable or interesting events originally discovered by chance SUBSTAGE 1 0-1 month -neonates begin to exercise some control over their inborn reflexes, engaging in a behavior even when its normal stimulant is not present -infants modify and extend the scheme for sucking SUBSTAGE 2 1-4 months -babies learn to repeat a pleasant bodily sensation first achieved by chance - primary circular reaction -turn toward sounds (coordinate vision and hearing) SUBSTAGE 3 4-8 months (coincides with new interest in manipulating objects and learning about their ...

Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Reasoning

1. Orientation towards punishment and obedience: What will happen to me? 2. Instrumental purpose of exchange: You scratch my back; I'll scratch yours 3. Maintaining mutual relations, approval of others: "Golden rule" (Am I a good boy or good girl?) 4. Social concern and conscience: What if everyone did it? 5. Morality of contract, individual rights and democratically accepted law 6: Morality of universal ethical principles

Middle Adulthood (midlife crisis and changes in relationships)

MIDLIFE CRISIS -crisis of identity -second adolescence -brought on by awareness of mortality -not universal -"stressful life period precipitated by the review and reevaluation of one's past, typically occurring in the early to middle forties" -midlife is just one of life's transitions, a transition typically involving an introspective review and reappraisal of values and priorities  (midlife review), the simultaneous managing of gains and losses and recognition of the finitude of life. -ego-resiliency helps (ability to adapt flexibly and resourcefully to potential sources of stress) IDENTITY DEVELOPMENT -although main concern of adolescence, identity continues to develop - is a central issue of adulthood also -midlife is a time of stock-taking w.r.t. roles and relationships, it may bring to the surface unresolved identity issues SOCIAL CONVOY THEORY (Kahn and Antonucci) Proposition : People move through life surrounded by social convoys - circles of c...