Middle Adulthood (midlife crisis and changes in relationships)

-crisis of identity
-second adolescence
-brought on by awareness of mortality
-not universal
-"stressful life period precipitated by the review and reevaluation of one's past, typically occurring in the early to middle forties"
-midlife is just one of life's transitions, a transition typically involving an introspective review and reappraisal of values and priorities (midlife review), the simultaneous managing of gains and losses and recognition of the finitude of life.
-ego-resiliency helps (ability to adapt flexibly and resourcefully to potential sources of stress)

-although main concern of adolescence, identity continues to develop - is a central issue of adulthood also
-midlife is a time of stock-taking w.r.t. roles and relationships, it may bring to the surface unresolved identity issues

(Kahn and Antonucci)
People move through life surrounded by social convoys - circles of close friends and family members of varying degrees of closeness, on whom they can rely for assistance, well-being and social support and to whom they in turn also offer care, concern, and support.
Factors involved:
1. characteristics of person (gender, race, religion, age, education, and marital status)
2. characteristics of their situation (role expectations, life events, financial stress, daily hassles, demands and resources)
^these affect:
1. size and composition of convoy (support network)
2. amount and kind of social support received
3. satisfaction derived from this support
and therefore 4. health and well-being

People select social contacts on the basis of the changing relative importance of social interaction as (i) a source of information, (ii) an aid in developing and maintaining a self-concept, and (iii) a source of emotional well-being
(see Fig 16-1 pg 583 and the explanation for the graph)


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