
Showing posts from November 13, 2014

Victorian England

SUSHMA MA'AM 10 NOV 2014 INTRODUCTION TO VICTORIAN ENGLAND Victorian: not necessarily of the age (1837 to 1901) but also about the sensibility Tangible aspects: 1. extreme prosperity 2. height of imperialism 3. industrial revolution and agricultural revolution and their effect on daily life (railways, separation of private and public space, concept of town vs city or vs workplace (in an agrarian lifestyle, the workplace and home is the same - not so in an urban setting), "balance" of the two) 4. architecture (revival of medieval, Gothic - dark, secretive, cloistered) 5. inventions!!! (Queen Victoria first to be photographed) The Great Exhibition is used as a metaphor for the age of inventions: all modern scientific inventions were put on display - camera, steam engine - but also a miniature iron-and-glass structure (apparently a building) which shocked the public who would not trust iron (as opposed to stone) as building material and who reje...