Rules by which a Great Empire may be Reduced to a Small One
- Implications of Title - going to challenge notions, ideas
- national self and individual self
- This seemingly "History of America" text fits into a Literature course because of how author approaches the subject
- presentation not necessarily manipulation
- power and obfuscation
- a celebration - the ability to say something in a nebulous manner - to break it up into many parts
- Franklin experimenting with the norm - breaking it down, playing with contradiction
- I will not build your empire for you - I will instead show you how to bring it down
- charter format
- carpet baggers (later becomes the basis of capitalism) - rejects - reckless, nothing to lose - recycled ministers, officials
- humor:
- there is the choice of not taking it seriously- this is a literary piece not meant to mock charters but to call out colonial ambition.
- this is a period piece-shows us the contemporary projection of America.
- territorial aggrandisment
-imperialism(spread of empire)
-colonial project.
Age of Awakening Question of church in England
Voltaire- freedom of speech
Franklin and Newton- scientific thinking
Rousseau- democracy
John Locke- natural rights
Loyalists Vs Patriots
Tax: Tea Act, Glass Act, Stamp Act, Revenue Act
I-- Edges( Provinces)
II-- Separation( never incorporate, common rights, privileges in Commerce, severer laws, no share in choice of legislators)
III--punish provinces that do well
IV--suspicion of peaceful colonies
V-- Give them bad governors
VI-- Delay, expense, judgement in favor of oppressor - complaints of maladministration, oppression and injustice. Governors encouraged to oppress, leading people to desperation and disaffection
VII--when the oppressed get violent call the bad governors back to the centre and reward them with pensions and fancy titles like Baronet
VIII-- reject the benevolence of the colonies with contempt
IX-- They are a new people setting up infrastructure and are thus running low on money. Restraint on colonies' trade - you have advantage of monopoly - centre's tax requirements are met through colonies' commerce - you already accumulate revenue from colonies through taxes and the price of commodities you dump in their markets - poor in the Centre are supported by colonies: forget this debt and levy more taxes. Declare that your power of taxing has no limits.
X-- infinite regulations; laws about commerce impossible to remember and observe. Seizure of property for failure without proper trial. Opposition of edicts is treason. Treason + other offences = felony; ruinously expensive to prove yourself innocent. Statutes.
XI-- Appoint evil board of officers to superintend collection of taxes
XII-- Pay governers with tax taken for justice and defence.
XIII-- no salaries from provinces - forcing judges and governors to take Salaries from Revenue
XIV-- if provinces continuously elect one governor and/or judge, whenever they have to meet, arrange the meeting in the country village - cannot be accomodated, make it inconvenient for them, keep them there as long as you want to
XV-- Penny's worth of pins
XVI-- blood of Martyrs
XVII-- Let rivals badmouth don't bother- that is your Purpose too
XVIII-- fortress into citadel; invasion therefore disgrace
XIX-- Attack the frontiers and strengthen opinion that you're no longer fit to govern them
XX--- great unconstitutional powers -> set up for himself
VI-- Delay, expense, judgement in favor of oppressor - complaints of maladministration, oppression and injustice. Governors encouraged to oppress, leading people to desperation and disaffection
VII--when the oppressed get violent call the bad governors back to the centre and reward them with pensions and fancy titles like Baronet
VIII-- reject the benevolence of the colonies with contempt
IX-- They are a new people setting up infrastructure and are thus running low on money. Restraint on colonies' trade - you have advantage of monopoly - centre's tax requirements are met through colonies' commerce - you already accumulate revenue from colonies through taxes and the price of commodities you dump in their markets - poor in the Centre are supported by colonies: forget this debt and levy more taxes. Declare that your power of taxing has no limits.
X-- infinite regulations; laws about commerce impossible to remember and observe. Seizure of property for failure without proper trial. Opposition of edicts is treason. Treason + other offences = felony; ruinously expensive to prove yourself innocent. Statutes.
XI-- Appoint evil board of officers to superintend collection of taxes
XII-- Pay governers with tax taken for justice and defence.
XIII-- no salaries from provinces - forcing judges and governors to take Salaries from Revenue
XIV-- if provinces continuously elect one governor and/or judge, whenever they have to meet, arrange the meeting in the country village - cannot be accomodated, make it inconvenient for them, keep them there as long as you want to
XV-- Penny's worth of pins
XVI-- blood of Martyrs
XVII-- Let rivals badmouth don't bother- that is your Purpose too
XVIII-- fortress into citadel; invasion therefore disgrace
XIX-- Attack the frontiers and strengthen opinion that you're no longer fit to govern them
XX--- great unconstitutional powers -> set up for himself
Benjamin Franklin
make one word pointers
Townshend Act - land owned by natives declared unauthorized
Taxation policy, 1760s tax acts Revenue,Tea Paper
no taxation without representation
satire written in a prosaic manner: how to build a nation, strengten it step by step, how to proceeded in life -> do exactly the opposite
Cake metaphor -> take care of the periphery
-> one great flaw, but also how else British Empire will fall
Quarter troops protect you. you are indebted to them
Governers- incapable, useless characters, prodigal sons, looters, pimps, corrupt
Tax -> send to -> salaries of these worthless administrators.
Rebellious - send them away, do not give them justice
make one word pointers
Townshend Act - land owned by natives declared unauthorized
Taxation policy, 1760s tax acts Revenue,Tea Paper
no taxation without representation
satire written in a prosaic manner: how to build a nation, strengten it step by step, how to proceeded in life -> do exactly the opposite
Cake metaphor -> take care of the periphery
-> one great flaw, but also how else British Empire will fall
Quarter troops protect you. you are indebted to them
Governers- incapable, useless characters, prodigal sons, looters, pimps, corrupt
Tax -> send to -> salaries of these worthless administrators.
Rebellious - send them away, do not give them justice
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