Guest Lecture (Barbara Lyons)

Atlantic slave trade
Negro- factual
Nigger - derogatory
14th Amendment - African American; not native Americans - N. A. only got citizenship in the 60s
sharecropping a form of slavery - indentured servitude - must return to it for survival

debt -> crop failure -> credit + INTEREST -> pestilence

Free men's bureau, Affirmative action -> just a leg up

Rich do not want to give to the poor meaningfully
you can never advance
Jim Crow - N.A. Latino, Black cannot walk on the same sidewalk

13th Amendment - Black man gets right to vote BUT
Poll tax
Literacy test
this is known as micro aggression or death from a million paper cuts

Frugality, thrift

John Crow -> System of laws
1940 -> Segregation, Great depression


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