Daybreak in Alabama

10-11 on Sept 18

written in 1940 but set in 1920
Harlem renaissance of 1918-1930 - African-American settlement
separation; did not live in harmony
supposedly equal but not, so
-> black pride
-> jazz music especially Harlem stride
poem is abut new beginnings - all skin colors in harmony
politically driven - progressive socialist secular ideas
Langston Hughes as a jazz composer, an artist painting with colors of skin
write me some songs - this is what's in our minds
swamp mist representation of upward mobility; rising, camouflage; look up jazz album released
dew - "falling" indiscriminately - music to be enjoyed by all
tall tall - landscape of America; African-American men
significance of pine - evergreen, prosperous
red clay - Native Americans
poppy - Australians, Commonwealth Army
brown - Mexicans
daisy eyes - Europeans
red necks - sunburnt plantation workers
"creamies" white black white black
just as composer creates music, Hughes wants to create a new world
Nature - flora (pplantation community) (diversity - we all can live together - poppy seeds and daisies grow together)
swamp mist - in spite of how it has risen, it has risen and is beautiful
sensuous - sight (colors), scent, touch
Orpheus - existing jazz, rock bands
daisy - soft gentle pure beautiful multicolor
red clay earth - soiled by the work you are made to do


  • Southern therefore plantation therefore relevant images of people employed there
  • all should live in Alabama
  • Nature elements esp. plants - to refer to different people
  • bands, music, jazz - means of expression
  • Harlem renaissance


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