Piaget's Preoperational Stage

Age 2-7
Children become more sophisticated in their use of symbolic thought but are not yet able to use logic
-Symbolic function (ability to use symbols or mental representations such as words, numbers, or images, to which a person has attached meaning) (deferred imitation, pretend play, language)
-Symbolic development and spatial thinking (reliably grasp the relationship between pictures, maps or scale models and the objects they represent) (however, as per dual representation hypothesis, children under the age of 3 have difficulty grasping spatial relationships because of the need to keep more than one mental representation in mind at the same time which they cannot do yet)
-Causality (understand cause and effect but achieve this reasoning through transduction or mentally linking phenomena (regardless of logic). Ability to use psychological, social-conventional, biological reasoning and logic but only in in familiar situations that they understand already)
-Understanding of identities and categorization (people and many things are basically the same even if they change in size, form or appearance; can classify by category. These developments imply developing self-concept and emotional and social cognition)
-Number (five principles of counting: 1 one-to-one principle that one number has only one name, 2 stable order principle that numbers exist in a set order, 3 order irrelevance principle that number of things will be the same wherever you start counting from, 4 cardinality principle that the last number they said equals the total number of things counted and 5 abstraction principle that these principles apply to any kind of object)
Limitations: egocentrism and failure to understand conservation


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