Gerard Manley Hopkins
- Transition from Early to Late Victorian
- Beginning of modernism, ecological discourse
- spoke about environment
- poems published posthumously, in 20th century, but it just so happened that the questions he raised in his poems were relevant then
- they questioned the false sense of progress, man's insensitive attitude towards Nature - how man is not in tune with Nature and has smudged the Earth
- {God's Granger - world charged with the electric energy of God}
- INSCAPE - God's utterance of himself outside himself in this world - totality of all characteristics, unique to all creatures, uniquely and that differentiates it from the world
- INSTRESS - force of being that holds inscape together - the impulse of recognition - because one impulse of being is different from the other
- how everything - people, experiences, places, things - affects us
- perhaps most importantly, "the ice cream is also doing things to you"
"Hopkins’s mimetic language turns from describing the kestrel’s flight in the first part of the sonnet (the eight-line octet) to describing how its dynamics are also hidden in other things—and, ultimately, his own soul."
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