Brit Lit Pattern Paper and Course Plan for ESE1

As discussed with Sushma Ma'am, here is the pattern paper and time budgeting for the Brit Lit end-semester exam:
Time: 3 hours
Marks: 100

8 questions of 5 marks each
Spend at most one hour on this section
Set a 7-minute goal to answer one question. At the end of 7 minutes, if the answer is incomplete, leave space and move to the next.
Answer on 3/4 to 1side of the answer booklet

3 questions of 10 marks each
Spend at most 45 minutes on this section
Answer on 1 1/2 to 2 sides

2 questions of 15 marks each
Spend at most 25 minutes on each answer
Answer on 2 1/2 to 3 sides

In the left-over 15+5+5=25 minutes, review your answers and finish off the incomplete ones.



Okay, here are the questions possible:

Pastoral Elegy (form)
Christian elements
Christian and pagan elements
Classical allusions
Treatment of Death

18th century society
Character of Moll
Picaresque narrative - elements

Gothic elements
"Repressed consciousness"
Beginnings of Science Fiction

Moral reflections

What else? Um, study hard for the other papers. When your brain needs a breather, read Moll or watch Antony and Cleopatra, and use your own notes and


Important: I know it's a literature paper and we're literature people but please don't waste time in the paper by trying to exhibit your literary prowess. All they're testing us on is comprehension and retention so just write all you know as quickly as you can, like in a Social Studies paper. Stick to the "length limit" in your own best interests.

Good luck!

October 12, 2014

  1. Romanticism
  2. Neoclassicism
  3. Gothicism
  4. Types of sonnets
  5. Humanism
  6. Renaissance
  7. Novel as a form
  8. Shakespearean tragedy
  9. Aristotle's tragedy
  10. 6 elements of tragedy
  11. Pastoral
  12. Elegy
  13. Pastoral elegy and why
  14. Theodicy
  15. Allusions
  16. Epic and pagan elements
  17. Picaresque narrative
  18. Preface and apology
  19. 18th century society
  20. Role of Women in 18th century society
  21. Puritanism
  22. Calvinism
  23. Types of humor (satire)
  24. Mock heroism
  25. Horace-Virgil-Ovid (classical)
  26. Keats-Shelley-Byron-Coleridge-Wordsworth comparison
  27. Dryden-Pope (neoclassical)
  28. Drama
  29. Types of plays (mystery-miracle-morality)
  30. Whig vs Tory mindset (under context)
  31. Catharsis
  32. Tragic hero
  33. Hamartia
  34. Costume rhetoric


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